Wednesday 9 February, 2011

messi or ronaldo.....the better player?

Its a debate thats gone on for quite some time now.

Lionel Messi - the diminutive Argentinian, very skillful,team player,darling of the Catalan crowd...

Cristiano Roanldo - the smart Portuguese,equally adept at fooling defenders, a bit selfish....

So who is the better one thats the question.The opinions are divided.Most of the pundits seem to think that Messi is better.The guys who love fancy football prefer Ronaldo.

Ronaldo has been accused of selfishness and arrogance.There is some truth in that as a matter of fact .Sometimes he treats not only the opposition but also his teammates with contempt and tries to go all the way .Messi at the same time tries to involve his teammates more.

In dead ball situations, free kicks there is no comparison.Its Ronaldo who is by far the better player.Also when it comes to header,Ronaldo wins hands down.

One thing that goes against Messi is his lack of performances for his country. It seems he is not motivated enough when he plays for Argentina,which is not the case with Ronaldo.

So,the verdict's not certain.Is it Messi or Ronaldo?